Team in Training – Two Week Update

Team In Training LogoTeam in Training LogoTeam in Training LogoDuring the first two weeks of my affiliation with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in tnt-logo.jpgtnt-logo.jpgTraining most of my time has been spent preparing for the fund-raising.

While I was busy composing letters my wife helped out by emailing a few friends and family which brought in a quick base of funds.  My next step was to compile a list of people I knew that might help support my effort to raise $5000 for blood cancer research.  The first batch of 150 letters hit the mail at the end of my first week and contributions hit 20% of my goal.

Press Release - The Running Realtor

In addition to getting my letters mailed I also sent a press release to a few of the local newspapers and the North Haven Advisor published it in their January 29th edition.   I haven’t seen results from the publication but I did run into an old aquaintance from the days when my sons played youth hockey and she mentioned reading about my fund-raising while training.

This morning we had our first group run and meeting with the coaches that will be providing guidance for the next 4 months.  The sun was shining but cool temps created hazardous conditions on Hamden Canal Trail so plan “B” went into affect for a less icy road route.

I still have a long haul to build my endurance to run the Rock-n-Roll Marathon but also must reach the financial goal.  Please help by making a contribution at my secure DONATION site or email me ( ) for mailing instructions if you prefer to support my effort with a check to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

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